Foot Associates New York


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As a type-1 diabetic, I had the misfortune of sustaining a diabetic foot ulcer. Dr. Fridman treated me from my hospital stay to the debridement surgery and for months after when grafts were applied weekly. During my treatment, I couldn't have been in better hands. He is very knowledgeable about various wound treatments and takes the time to explain his best choice for each individual case. Not only did his methods heal my foot, he healed my soul throughout the long process.

He is compassionate, caring and simply wonderful with his demeanour. His skills go beyond medicine but transpire to the soul of the patient, willing to give a hug and encouraging words when my eyes filled up with tears. Not many doctors are as responsive to patients as he is. He makes time to see you even when you aren't scheduled, he calms your anxiety with continuous communication outside his office doors if need be. He follows up and makes sure you are standing strong at the end of the hardships. He is truly one of and I am lucky to have him caring for me always.

UL, New York, NY